AI Researcher & Mathematics Student

I'm Shayan Vafaei. I'm an undergraduate student in Applied Mathematics at Shahid Beheshti University.
My objective is to develop machine learning models that can possess biological brains' functionality to do certain tasks and understand their environment.


Check My CV for More details of my projects :D (top-right of the page!)

Selected Projects

Latent Embedding


Implementing event-based analysis of large-scale brain dynamics using CEBRA and unveiling neural assemblies and circuit activity. More specifically, we intend to capture neural population dynamics from different data resources by leveraging CEBRA. Supervised by Professor Shervin Safavi at CMC Lab.

Currently, working on developing a multi-state machine, designed to classify the dialogue acts of various datasets, namely “DSTC”, “SwDA”, “DyDA” and “MRDA”. The research is being supervised by Professor Garcia.

Dialogue Act Recognition

Vrije Universiteit Brussel

Generative Agent (LLM Training)

University of Otago

Analyzing the concept of value-alignment on LLMs by creating artificial virtuous agents (AVAs) and by designing a virtual world, with the purpose of analyzing the behavior of a LLM (Mistral 7b), under the supervision of Professor Cranefield and Professor Savarimuthu.

Developing accurate and efficient machine learning models for the purpose of lesion segmentation on medical images (brain fMRI images), using Anatomical Tracing of Lesions After Stroke (ATLAS R2.0) dataset, which can aid in the diagnosis and treatment of various neurological disorders, under the supervision of Professor Wang.

Brain Lesion Segmentation

Auckland University

Stochastic Programming

University of Cambridge

Using stochastic programming techniques and optimization methods in the process of decision making in commercial projects under the supervision of Professor Dempster.

Thank you for reading :D, and of course

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Project Me :D

Shahid Beheshti University

If interested in collaboration...
